Simulated Annealing

Probabilistic method of finding global minimum of a function that may possess several global minima. Review finite set case.
SA formulation
SA algorithm is a discrete-time inhomogeneous Markov chain $x(t)$ with transitions: \begin{equation*} P \left [ x(t+1) = j | x(t) = i \right ] = q_{ij} \exp \left (-\frac{1}{T(t)}\max\{0, J(j) - J(i)\} \right) \end{equation*}
Motivation - look at homogeneous Markov Chain
For a fixed temperature $T$ we consider the corresponding homegeneous Markov Chain and look at its stationary distribution, which turns out to be the Gibbs distribution: $\pi_T(i) = \frac{1}{Z_T} \exp \left [ -\frac{J(i)}{T} \right ]$. We can see as $T \rightarrow 0$, the stationary distribution $\pi_T$ will concentrate on local minima $S^*$.


Useful definitions
1. We say that state $i$ communicates with $S^*$ at height $h$ if there exists a path from $i$ to some element of $S^*$ s.t. largest value of $J$ along path is $J(i) + h$.
2. Let $d^*$ be the smallest number such that $\forall i \in S$, $i$ communicates with $S^*$ at height $d^*$.
Theorem for convergence
SA converges $\iff$:
Discussion: intuition
For cooling schedule $T(t) = \frac{d}{\log t} $ condition above implies $d \geq d^*$.
The constant $d^*$ characterizes how difficult it is to escape local minima. Consider we are stuck in one such bad minima: then, the probability we can escape it is $\propto \exp \left [ \frac{-d^*}{T(t)} \right ]$. Then the condition in the theorem above requires that $\infty$ of attempts to escape will be succesful.
Discussion: homogeneous MC analysis
The MC above behaves $\propto$ schedule where we stay at $T(t) = \frac{1}{k}$ for a time $\exp(kd)$. It turns out the relaxation time of such a homegeneous MC is $\exp(kd^*)$, where $d^*$ is the one from above. Then, the condition $d > d^*$ is requiring we run each of the homogeneous MC for a non-negligible fraction of its relaxation time.

Annealed Importance Sampling

We are interested in computing expectation value of some quantity $a(x)$ through Monte-Carlo estimates. Target distribution $p(x) \propto f(x)$. We know $f(x)$ but cannot sample from $p(x)$. We are able to sample from a distribution $\propto g(x)$.
Importance Sampling
Estimate $\mathbb{E}_p a$ using $N$ samples $x^{(i)}$ from distribution $\propto g$ and weights $w^{(i)} = \frac{f(x^{(i)})}{g(x^{(i)})}$: \begin{equation*} \bar{a} = \frac{\sum_i w^{(i)}a(x^{(i)})}{\sum_i w^{(i)}} \end{equation*} The denominator above approximates the ratio of normalizing constants for $f$ and $g$: \begin{equation*} \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N w^{(i)} = \frac{Z_f}{Z_g} = \frac{\int f(x) dx}{\int g(x) dx} \end{equation*}
Annealed Importance Sampling
Instead of the above, we draw from a simple distribution, but pass the sample through a linear Markov Chain first and use the final result for importance sampling.
We consider a sequence of distributions given by $f_n, f_{n-1}, \dots, f_1, f_0$. Usual scheme: \begin{equation*} f_j(x) = f_0(x)^{\beta_j}f_n(x)^{1 - \beta_j} \end{equation*} , with $1 = \beta_0 > \beta_1 > \dots > \beta_n = 0$. We draw $x_{n-1} \propto p_n(x)$ and then construct the sequence \begin{equation*} x_{n-1} \xrightarrow{\color{blue}{T_{n-1}}} x_{n-2} \xrightarrow{\color{blue}{T_{n-2}}} \dots x_2 \xrightarrow{\color{blue}{T_{2}}} x_1 \xrightarrow{\color{blue}{T_{1}}} x_0 \end{equation*} using Markov Kernels $T_j$ that leave probabilities $p_j$ invariant.
Importance Weights
To compute the importance weights in annealed importance sampling, we look at extended state space $(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1})$. The joint pdf in this extended space of a sequence corresponding to an $x_0$ from target distribution is proportional to: \begin{equation*} f(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1}) = f_0(x_0) \cdot \color{red}{\widetilde{T}_{1}}(x_0, x_1) \cdot \color{red}{\widetilde{T}_{2}}(x_1, x_2) \dots \color{red}{\widetilde{T}_{n-1}}(x_{n-2}, x_{n-1}) \end{equation*} , where we used reverse transition kernels \begin{equation*} \color{red}{\widetilde{T}_{j}}(x_{j-1}, x_j) = \color{blue}{T_{j}}(x_{j}, x_{j-1}) \frac{f_j(x_j)}{f_j(x_{j-1})} \end{equation*} The above becomes \begin{equation*} f(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1}) = f_0(x_0) \cdot \left( \Pi_{j=1}^{n-1} \color{blue}{T_{j}}(x_{j}, x_{j-1}) \right ) \cdot \left( \Pi_{j=1}^{n-1} \frac{f_j(x_j)}{f_j(x_{j-1})} \right) \end{equation*}
The joint pdf of sequence $(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1})$ under the proposal we constructed above is: \begin{equation*} g(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1}) = f_n(x_{n-1}) \left( \Pi_{j=1}^{n-1} \color{blue}{T_{j}}(x_{j}, x_{j-1}) \right ) \end{equation*}
The importance weight is: \begin{equation*} w = \frac{f(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1})}{g(x_0, x_1, \dots x_{n-1})} = f_0(x_0) \left( \Pi_{j=1}^{n-1} \frac{f_j(x_j)}{f_j(x_{j-1})} \right) \frac{1}{f_n(x_{n-1})} = \Pi_{j=0}^{n-1} \frac{f_j(x_j)}{f_{j+1}(x_j)} \end{equation*}


[1] Annealed Importance Sampling -